symptoms of hiv in men

Recognizing HIV Indicators in Men:

Pay Attention to the Signs, Get Screened (HIV Ke Lakshan Purुषों Mein) HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, has the potential to compromise your immune system. Symptoms may not manifest right away, but early detection is key to effectively managing the virus. This article delves into possible HIV symptoms in men and underscores the importance of getting screened at DNA Labs India. We provide confidential and trustworthy HIV screenings (including rapid and blood tests) for a nominal fee of ₹200.

Keep in Mind:

HIV symptoms may not be noticeable in everyone, particularly during the initial stages. These symptoms could also be indicative of other health conditions. Nonetheless, if you’re experiencing some of the symptoms listed below and are worried about potential HIV exposure, it’s crucial to get screened:


A persistent fever with no identifiable cause could indicate an HIV infection. Fatigue: Constant exhaustion or lack of energy, even after resting, could be a sign. Swollen Lymph Nodes: These small glands located in your neck, groin, or armpits might swell and become tender due to HIV. Weight Loss: Rapid and unexplained weight loss could be a sign of HIV progression. Skin Rashes: Red, itchy rashes might appear on different parts of the body. Mouth Sores: Chronic mouth ulcers or thrush (a type of fungal infection) might occur. Night Sweats: Waking up soaked in sweat during the night could be a potential sign. Diarrhea: Regular loose stools lasting for more than a week might happen. Why Delay? Get Screened Today at DNA Labs India

Prompt detection of HIV is critical for initiating treatment as soon as possible. Treatment can significantly enhance your health outcomes and longevity. Postponing an HIV screening can lead to severe implications. DNA Labs India provides a secure and private setting for screenings.

Our seasoned staff can address your queries and alleviate any concerns you might have. We offer both rapid tests for faster results (within 20 minutes) and blood tests for greater precision. Our screenings are affordable and accessible at just ₹200. Don’t overlook potential symptoms. Take charge of your health and get screened today.

Being aware of your HIV status enables you to make educated decisions about your health and the health of your partners. Drop by your closest DNA Labs India location or reach out to us for more details. Remember, getting screened is a responsible move towards a healthier you.

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