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× Amenorrhoea Profile Test cost 3 mL (1 mL min.) serum from 1 SST. Collect  specimen  4  hours  after  the patient has awakened. Overnight fasting is  preferred. Ship refrigerated or frozen. INR in India Amenorrhoea Profile Test Cost 4,000
× Chromosome Analysis Chorionic Villus Test cost 40 mg (20 mg min.) Chorionic villus biopsy collected aseptically in 10 mL transport medium available from LPL. Sample to be collected under strict aseptic precautions. Ship refrigerated immediately. DO NOT FREEZE.  Specimen must reach LPL New Delhi within 48 hours.  Test is recommended between 10-13 weeks of gestation. Duly filled  Chromosome & FISH Analysis Requisition form (Form 17) & Consent form (Form 18) for Prenatal Genetic Testing is mandatory. INR in India Chromosome Analysis Chorionic Villus Test Cost 14,000
× Abortion Panel Anti-HLA Antibodies Test cost 2 mL (1 mL min.) serum from 1 SST AND 6 mL (4 mL min.) whole blood in 2 Lavender Top (EDTA) tubes  AND 3 mL (2 mL min.) whole blood in 1 Green Top (Sodium Heparin) tube.  Ship immediately at 18u0192??22?u00f8C. DO NOT REFRIGERATE OR FREEZE. Clinical details on test request form are mandatory. INR in India Abortion Panel Anti-HLA Antibodies Test Cost 22,000
× Chromosome Analysis Products of Conception Reflex Testing to FISH for Aneuploidy Detection Test cost Submit curretted tissue in normal saline. (Fetus not accepted). Ship immediately at 18u0192??22?u00f8C. Specimens must reach LPL Chromosome Analysis Products of Conception Reflex Testing to FISH for Aneuploidy Detection Test Cost 8,500

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