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× BOH (Bad Obstetric History) Advanced Panel Test cost 4 mL (3 mL min.) serum 1 SST. Ship refrigerated or frozen AND 4 mL (3 mL min.) Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP) from 3 Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) tubes. Mix thoroughly by inversion. Transport to Lab within 4 hours. If this is not possible BOH (Bad Obstetric History) Advanced Panel Test Cost 9,000
× Amenorrhoea Profile Test cost 3 mL (1 mL min.) serum from 1 SST. Collect  specimen  4  hours  after  the patient has awakened. Overnight fasting is  preferred. Ship refrigerated or frozen. INR in India Amenorrhoea Profile Test Cost 4,000
× Autogen Panel Test cost 5 mL (3 mL min.) whole blood in 2 Green Top (Sodium Heparin) tubes each of Husband & Wife. Ship refrigerated  immediately. DO NOT FREEZE. Specimen must reach Lab within 24 hours. Duly filled  Chromosome and FISH  Analysis Requisition Form (Form 17) is mandatory AND 3 mL whole blood in 1 Blue Top (Sodium Citrate) tube. Mix thoroughly by inversion. Transport to Lab within 4 hours. If this is not possible Autogen Panel Test Cost 12,000
× AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein): Amniotic Fluid Test cost 3 mL (1 min.) Amniotic fluid in a sterile screw capped container. Avoid contamination with maternal blood. Ship refrigerated or frozen. INR in India AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein): Amniotic Fluid Test Cost 936

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