DNA Labs India: Your Trusted Genetic Testing Partner in Jeypore

NGS Whole Exome Sequencing WES NIPT BRCA DNA Paternity Test Cost in Jeypore

About DNA Labs India in Jeypore

DNA Labs India, renowned as India’s No. 1 Genetic DNA test lab, has established its presence in the picturesque city of Jeypore, Odisha. With a commitment to excellence and precision, DNA Labs India offers an extensive range of genetic testing services catering to both medical professionals and the general public. The facility in Jeypore is strategically located at Satyabati Bihar, Kumbhar Street, ensuring easy accessibility for individuals seeking top-notch DNA testing services. At DNA Labs India, client confidentiality and privacy are paramount, and the lab adheres to stringent protocols to maintain the highest standards of service.

About Jeypore City

Jeypore, nestled in the heart of Odisha, is a city rich in cultural heritage and natural beauty. Known for its lush landscapes, majestic waterfalls, and historic architecture, Jeypore offers a serene backdrop for DNA Labs India’s operations. The city’s vibrant community and its commitment to preserving its cultural legacy make it an ideal location for a pioneering institution like DNA Labs India, which seeks to blend scientific advancement with the betterment of the community.

Overview of DNA Tests Offered by DNA Labs India in Jeypore

DNA Labs India in Jeypore provides a comprehensive array of DNA testing services designed to meet a wide range of needs, from health and wellness to legal and forensic applications. Below is a detailed look at some of the key tests available:

  • HLA Typing Test: Essential for organ transplantation compatibility, ensuring the donor and recipient match closely to reduce the risk of transplant rejection. More details
  • Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test: This test is crucial for confirming maternal links, especially in cases of suspected hospital baby exchanges. More details
  • Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test: Offers comprehensive genetic insights, aiding in the diagnosis of rare genetic disorders. More details
  • RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test: A vital test for the early detection of rabies, ensuring timely treatment. More details
  • Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test: This innovative test helps in identifying the most effective chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment based on an individual’s genetic makeup. More details
  • Home DNA Test Kit: Offers the convenience of DNA testing from the comfort of home, suitable for various purposes including ancestry and paternity testing. More details
  • Clinical Exome NGS Test: Focuses on the coding regions of genes, providing insights into a wide array of genetic disorders. More details
  • NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test: A safe and reliable screening test for detecting chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. More details
  • Paternity DNA Test: Determines the biological father of a child with high accuracy, crucial for legal and personal reasons. More details
  • Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit: Screens for mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, indicating the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. More details

Test Name and Cost

Test NameTest CostLink to Test
HLA Typing Test8000 RsHLA Typing Test
Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test13000 RsMaternity DNA Test
Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test24000 RsWES Test
RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test6000 RsRABIES PCR Test
Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test20000 RsLiquid Biopsy Test
Home DNA Test Kit1000 RsHome DNA Kit
Clinical Exome NGS Test2000 RsClinical Exome Test
NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test10000 RsNIPT Test
Paternity DNA Test13000 RsPaternity Test
Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit15000 RsBRCA Test

With its comprehensive suite of DNA testing services, DNA Labs India in Jeypore is at the forefront of genetic diagnostics, offering cutting-edge solutions to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. Whether it’s for health, legal, or personal knowledge, DNA Labs India provides accurate, reliable, and confidential testing, ensuring peace of mind for all its clients.

DNA Test Lab NameDNA Labs India – Jeypore
AddressSatyabati Bihar Kumbhar Street At/Po- Jeypore
Phone No:(040)49171772
TimingsMonday to Saturday: 8 AM to 8 PM

Sunday: 9 AM to 6 PM

Google Map Link:Link

DNA Labs India is a leading genetic testing provider in Jeypore, offering a wide range of tests including Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, Paternity DNA Test, Whole Exome Sequencing, RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test, Home DNA Test Kit, Clinical Exome Next Generation Sequencing Test, and Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Gene Test. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced team of professionals ensure accurate and reliable results. Contact us at (040)49171772 to book your appointment today and avail a 20% discount on all tests!Address: DNA Labs India, 1st Floor, Jeypore, Odisha, India
Phone Number: (040)49171772
Google Map URL:

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NGS test Platform is Illumina Nova seq

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