DNA Labs India in Bhubaneswar - Accurate and Reliable Genetic Testing Servicesn

NGS Whole Exome Sequencing WES NIPT BRCA DNA Paternity Test Cost in Bhubaneswar

Welcome to DNA Labs India in Bhubaneswar

DNA Labs India, recognized as India’s No. 1 Genetic DNA test lab, extends its superior quality services to the vibrant city of Bhubaneswar. Nestled in the heart of Odisha, Bhubaneswar is a blend of ancient culture and modern lifestyle, making it an ideal location for DNA Labs India to offer its cutting-edge genetic testing services. With a commitment to confidentiality and privacy, DNA Labs India ensures that all client information remains secure. The lab is conveniently located at Plot No LP 31294 CRP Square, making it easily accessible for individuals seeking reliable and accurate DNA testing services.

About Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha, is renowned for its rich history, magnificent temples, and vibrant culture. Known as the “Temple City,” it houses thousands of temples, including the famous Lingaraj Temple. Besides its historical significance, Bhubaneswar is also a growing IT and education hub, attracting professionals and students from across the country. The city beautifully balances its ancient heritage with modern advancements, making it a fascinating place to explore and live.

DNA Testing Services Offered by DNA Labs India in Bhubaneswar

DNA Labs India offers a wide range of DNA testing services to cater to various needs, including health, legal, and personal curiosity. Each test is conducted with the utmost precision and care, ensuring accurate and reliable results. Below is a detailed overview of some of the key DNA tests available at DNA Labs India in Bhubaneswar:

  • HLA Typing Test: Essential for organ transplantation compatibility, ensuring the donor and recipient are a good match.
  • Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test: Provides peace of mind by confirming the biological relationship between a mother and her newborn.
  • Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test: Offers a comprehensive analysis of all coding regions of genes, aiding in the diagnosis of genetic disorders.
  • RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test: A crucial test for early detection of the Rabies virus, ensuring timely treatment.
  • Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test: Assists in selecting the most effective chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients.
  • Home DNA Test Kit: Provides a convenient option for individuals to collect DNA samples in the comfort of their home.
  • Clinical Exome NGS Test: Targets clinically relevant genes for a more focused approach in diagnosing genetic conditions.
  • NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test: Offers expectant parents a safe way to screen for genetic abnormalities in the fetus.
  • Paternity DNA Test: Determines the biological father of a child with high accuracy.
  • Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit: Helps in assessing the risk of developing hereditary breast and ovarian cancers.

Test Details and Costs

Test NameTest CostLink to Test
HLA Typing Test8000 RsHLA Typing Test
Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test13000 RsMaternity DNA Test
Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test24000 RsWES Test
RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test6000 RsRABIES PCR Test
Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test20000 RsCancer Therapy Test
Home DNA Test Kit1000 RsHome DNA Test Kit
Clinical Exome NGS Test20000 RsClinical Exome Test
NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test10000 RsNIPT Test
Paternity DNA Test13000 RsPaternity Test
Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit15000 RsBRCA Test Kit

At DNA Labs India in Bhubaneswar, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the most accurate and comprehensive DNA testing services. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced team ensure that each test is conducted with the highest standards of quality and reliability. Whether you are seeking peace of mind, answers to health-related questions, or evidence for legal matters, DNA Labs India is here to support you every step of the way.

DNA Test Lab NameDNA Labs India – Bhubaneswar
AddressPlot No LP 31294 CRP Square, Bhubaneswar
Phone No:(040)49171772
TimingsMonday to Saturday: 8 AM to 8 PM

Sunday: 9 AM to 6 PM

Google Map Link:Link

DNA Labs India is a leading genetic testing service provider in Bhubaneswar. We offer a wide range of tests including Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, Paternity DNA Test, Whole Exome Sequencing, RABIES Detection, Home DNA Test Kit, Clinical Exome Next Generation Sequencing, and Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Gene Test. Our tests are accurate, reliable, and affordable. Contact us at (040)49171772 to book an appointment and avail a 20% discount.
Address: DNA Labs India, 2nd Floor, Plot No. 10, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751007

Phone Number: (040)49171772


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We dont use any chinese reagents

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NGS test Platform is Illumina Nova seq

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