DNA Labs India in Bhadravathi: Your Trusted Partner for Genetic Testingn

NGS Whole Exome Sequencing WES NIPT BRCA DNA Paternity Test Cost in Bhadravathi

DNA Labs India: A Pioneer in Genetic Testing Located in Bhadravathi

Located in the heart of Karnataka, Bhadravathi is a city known for its rich history and industrial significance. It is in this vibrant city that DNA Labs India has established its presence, offering cutting-edge genetic testing services to its residents. Known as India’s No. 1 Genetic DNA test lab, DNA Labs India prides itself on its commitment to excellence, privacy, and customer convenience. With a sample collection address at C.N Rd, Rangappa Circle, Bhadravathi City, DNA Labs India has made it easier for individuals to access world-class genetic testing services close to home.

About Bhadravathi

Bhadravathi, an industrial city located in the Shimoga district of Karnataka, is known for its significant contributions to the Indian steel and paper industries. The city is surrounded by lush greenery and is home to the Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, making it a perfect blend of industrialization and natural beauty. Bhadravathi’s rich cultural heritage and welcoming community make it an ideal location for DNA Labs India’s operations.

Services Offered by DNA Labs India

DNA Labs India offers a wide range of genetic testing services designed to meet the diverse needs of its clients. From health-related genetic tests to ancestry DNA testing, the lab is equipped to provide accurate and reliable results. Here’s a closer look at some of the tests offered:

  • HLA Typing Test: Essential for organ transplantation compatibility and autoimmune disease assessment. Test Cost: 8000 Rs
  • Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test: Confirms the biological relationship between a mother and her child, ensuring peace of mind in maternity cases. Test Cost: 13000 Rs
  • Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test: Provides insights into genetic disorders by analyzing the protein-coding regions of the genome. Test Cost: 24000 Rs
  • RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test: A crucial test for early detection of rabies in suspected cases. Test Cost: 6000 Rs
  • Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test: Offers non-invasive cancer diagnosis and helps in determining the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Test Cost: 20000 Rs
  • Home DNA Test Kit: Enables individuals to collect DNA samples at home conveniently. Test Cost: 1000 Rs
  • Clinical Exome NGS Test: Targets clinically relevant genes for comprehensive genetic disorder screening. Test Cost: 20000 Rs
  • NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test: Screens for chromosomal abnormalities in fetuses using maternal blood samples. Test Cost: 10000 Rs
  • Paternity DNA Test: Determines the biological father of a child with high accuracy. Test Cost: 13000 Rs
  • Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit: Assesses the risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers. Test Cost: 15000 Rs

At DNA Labs India, we understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality in genetic testing. Our state-of-the-art facility in Bhadravathi is equipped with the latest technology to ensure accurate and reliable results. Our team of expert geneticists and technicians is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to our clients. With the convenience of sample collection services in Bhadravathi, we strive to make genetic testing accessible to everyone.

For more information about our services or to schedule a sample collection, please contact us at (080)45684079. Let DNA Labs India be your partner in unlocking the secrets of your DNA.

DNA Test Lab NameDNA Labs India- Bhadravati
AddressC.N Rd, Rangappa Circle, Bhadravathi
Phone No:(080)45684079
TimingsMonday to Saturday: 8 AM to 8 PM

Sunday: 9 AM to 6 PM

Google Map Link:Link

DNA Labs India is a leading genetic testing company that offers a wide range of tests in Bhadravathi. Our tests include Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), Paternity DNA Test, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test, Home DNA Test Kit, Clinical Exome Next Generation Sequencing Test, and Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Gene Test. Our state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped with the latest technology and our team of experts is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable results. We offer a 20% discount on all tests. Contact us at (080)45684079 to schedule an appointment.

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DNA Labs India is located at

Bhadravathi, Karnataka, India

. Our phone number is (080)45684079. Contact us to schedule an appointment and avail 20% off on all tests.

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We dont use any chinese reagents

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NGS test Platform is Illumina Nova seq

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