DNA Labs India in Nizamabad - Offering 20% Discount on Tests

NGS Whole Exome Sequencing WES NIPT BRCA DNA Paternity Test Cost in Nizamabad

About Nizamabad

Nizamabad, a city located in the Indian state of Telangana, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and significant agricultural advancements. With its roots stretching back to the year 1905, Nizamabad is a blend of historical landmarks and modern developments. The city is renowned for its architectural marvels such as the Nizamabad Fort and the Alisagar Reservoir, making it a fascinating place for both tourists and locals. Nizamabad’s economy thrives on agriculture, with major crops including paddy, maize, and sugarcane. Its cultural diversity and historical significance make it a unique place within Telangana.

About DNA Labs India in Nizamabad

DNA Labs India, recognized as India’s No. 1 Genetic DNA test lab, offers an extensive range of DNA testing services. Located in Arya Nagar Colony, Borogan Bank, Nizamabad, DNA Labs India is committed to providing accurate, confidential, and timely DNA testing services. With a state-of-the-art laboratory and a team of expert professionals, DNA Labs India ensures the highest standards of testing. The lab offers the convenience of sample collection services in Nizamabad, ensuring that clients have easy access to their services. Privacy and confidentiality of client information are paramount, reflecting the lab’s commitment to ethical practices.

Detailed Overview of DNA Tests Offered by DNA Labs India

DNA Labs India offers a wide range of DNA tests catering to various needs, including health, legal, and personal curiosity. Below is a detailed overview of some of the tests available:

  • HLA Typing Test: Essential for organ transplantation procedures, ensuring compatibility between donor and recipient. Learn more
  • Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test: This test helps in confirming the biological relationship between a mother and her child, crucial in cases of suspected baby swaps in hospitals. Learn more
  • Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test: Provides comprehensive genetic insights, helping in the diagnosis of rare genetic disorders. Learn more
  • RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test: A critical test for the early detection of the rabies virus, offering a quick and accurate diagnosis. Learn more
  • Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test: This innovative test provides insights into the most effective chemotherapy drugs for individual cancer patients, based on their unique genetic makeup. Learn more
  • Home DNA Test Kit: Offers the convenience of collecting DNA samples at home, suitable for various tests including paternity and ancestry. Learn more
  • Clinical Exome NGS Test: Targets the coding regions of genes, assisting in the diagnosis of genetic disorders. Learn more
  • NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test: A safe test for expecting mothers, screening for chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus without risking miscarriage. Learn more
  • Paternity DNA Test: Determines the biological father of a child with high accuracy. Learn more
  • Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit: Identifies mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, indicating the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Learn more

Test Name and Test Cost

Test NameTest CostLink
HLA Typing Test8000 RsHLA Typing Test
Hospital Baby Exchange Maternity DNA Test13000 RsMaternity DNA Test
Whole Exome Sequencing WES Test24000 RsWES Test
RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test6000 RsRABIES PCR Test
Liquid Biopsy Cancer Therapy Chemo Sensitivity Test20000 RsLiquid Biopsy Test
Home DNA Test Kit1000 RsHome DNA Test Kit
Clinical Exome NGS Test20000 RsClinical Exome NGS Test
NIPT NIFTY Non-Invasive Prenatal Test10000 RsNIPT NIFTY Test
Paternity DNA Test13000 RsPaternity DNA Test
Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit15000 RsBRCA1 BRCA2 Test Kit

DNA Labs India in Nizamabad stands as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking answers through genetic testing. With its comprehensive range of tests, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to privacy and confidentiality, DNA Labs India is at the forefront of genetic testing services in India.

DNA Test Lab NameDNA Labs India- Nizamabad
AddressArya Nagar Colony, Borogan Bank, Nizamabad
Phone No:(040)49171772
TimingsMonday to Saturday: 8 AM to 8 PM

Sunday: 9 AM to 6 PM

Google Map Link:Link

DNA Labs India is a leading diagnostic center in Nizamabad, offering a range of tests to help doctors and patients make informed decisions. Our tests include Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, Paternity DNA Test, Whole Exome Sequencing, RABIES Detection RNA Qualitative PCR Test, Home DNA Test Kit, Clinical Exome Next Generation Sequencing Test, and Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Gene Test. We are committed to providing accurate and reliable results, and we offer a 20% discount on all tests. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Address: DNA Labs India, 1-10-100, 1st Floor, Sai Baba Nagar, Nizamabad, Telangana 503001
Phone Number: (040)49171772

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We dont use any chinese reagents

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NGS test Platform is Illumina Nova seq

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